Sunday, August 8, 2010

Romy & Michele's High School Reunion: My Favorite Chick Flick

Content by Donny Vinson

I have adored Romy and Michele's High School Reunion since I first watched it in high school back in 1998. I recently watched it again on my tv after my satellite tv installation was finished and thoroughly enjoyed the experience all over again. It is my all-time favorite chick flick.

The movie stars Mira Sorvino as Romy and Lisa Kudrow as Michele. The plot is basically that they are best friends and have a terrible life throughout high school. After school, they realize they have still done nothing with their lives and their 10 year reunion is coming up. So they decide to try to make themselves look successful by getting fake boyfriends, doing makeovers, and pretending to be things that they aren't. They end up making fools of themselves at the reunion and then just decide to be themselves in the end. It is very comical, but the gals have an excellent sense of style which works to their advantage in the end.

I highly recommend this movie to any woman who is in the mood for a good chick flick. It is cheesy, superficial, but funny and entertaining all at the same time.

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